【這間店有開,英文是 “The shop is open.” or “The shop is opened.”?】2018/5/1

【這間店有開,英文是 “The shop is open.” or “The shop is opened.”?】

(1) The shop is “open” from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day.
(2) The shop is “opened” from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day.

The shop is “open”. → “Open” is used here as an “adjective” to mean “ready to provide a service or able to be entered and used by customers, visitors, etc.”

More examples:
1. The supermarket is open till 10:00 p.m. (這間超市營業至晚上10點。)

2. The library will not be open on Labor Day. (勞動節當天,圖書館將不開放。)

3. The road is open now, but it is often blocked by snow in the winter. (此路已開通,但冬天常因積雪過多而封閉。)

4. The new hospital was declared open by the mayor. (這間新的醫院,在市長的主持之下宣布開始營運。)

5. The diner is open daily [=is open every day] for breakfast. (這家餐車每天都有賣早餐。)

6. It’s hard to find an open restaurant this time of night. (三更半夜地,很難找到有開的餐廳。)
● 那第(2)句既然符合文法,又到底要在什麼情況下使用呢?

is opened → 是被動用法 (open原作動詞使用,現為過去分詞past participle的型態), 所表達的意思可用於以下情况:

1. The shop is opened by the owner at 8:00 am every morning. (店主每天早上8點會開店)
此處的opened,強調的是開門這個 “動作”(action),而不是指持續營業的 “狀態” (state),

Question: 如果要說這間店現在關門 (非營業時間),應該要用close還是closed呢?

Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary and Cambridge Dictionary