ESL班與冬至 (December 20, 2013)

雖然ESL班級這個月已經接觸了不少聖誕節相關的歌曲、字彙、以及聖經典故,當然也要趁此機會讓小朋友更了解自己文化的節日。今天介紹的是winter solstice(冬至),也就是必吃湯圓的重要日子。與其讓小朋友只是吃吃湯圓,更要讓小朋友們動動手,親自搓湯圓發揮創意。



How do we make Tangyuan(湯圓)?

1. You need glutinous rice flour (糯米粉), hot water,  sweetened water (糖水) or red bean soup (紅豆湯), and red food coloring (紅色食用色素).

2. Slowly add the hot water into the dough (麵團), pinch off the ball into small pieces (掰成小塊).

3. Roll (搓) each small piece into balls or different shapes.

4. Drop the balls into boiling water and cook them until they float (漂浮) on the surface of the water.

5. Scoop (舀出) the boiled tangyuan from the pot, put several balls into your bowl (碗), and add sweetened water or red bean soup.

6. Enjoy your delicious tangyuan.